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SKU: Flakes-TrinidadScorpionHalfOZ

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Flakes

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Flakes

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Looking for the hottest peppers but stayed for the flakes? You’ll surely feel the sting with the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Flakes.

Topping out at 1,463,700 SHUs, the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper was known as the world's hottest pepper in 2011 but it’s their flavors heat lovers come back for. The flakes are flaming hot but once you get past the heat, you’ll find the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper is tasty with its sweet, fruity flavors similar to the Trinidad Moruga or Carolina Reaper. To create superhot flakes, we captured the sprits of fresh Trinidad Scorpion Butch T peppers and CRUSHED them into edible flakes that you can sprinkle lightly or obsessively on anything! Mix into your burgers, salsa, or chili, or simply sprinkle the flakes on your freshly baked pizza to create a beautiful hellscape of heat, flavor, and euphoria.

Have this in your pantry to get your heat fixed, take with you on your adventurous trips for when you need incredible heat, and add a little into your cooking for those friends and family who think they can handle the heat!

Heat: Extremely Hot

Size: ½ oz

DISCLAIMER: Keep out of reach of children and animals. Do not use if you have respiratory issues. A small amount will heat up any dish. Use sparingly if your tolerance for heat is low.

Can't live without spicy food? Check out all the spicy food products we carry like beef jerky, hot sauces, spicy cheese, spicy snack sticks, and more!

Want to grow the seeds instead? Check out the Butch T Trinidad Scorpion pepper seeds! We even have a selection of Scorpion seeds if you want to expand your list!

Don't forget about our Scorpion Pepper Hot Sauce, Trinidad Scorpion Salsa, Infused Trinidad Scorpion Sea Salt, and Scorpion Cheddar Cheese!


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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Mike s.
Trinidad scorpion butch t flakes

The fruity flavor is blocked by the butch t heat but still amazing. Would recommend to people that like hot stuff

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