Pepper Talk

Keaton Eats an Apocalypse Scorpion Pepper (1,40...
When Keaton is in the Greenhouse, you know some HOT peppers will be eaten! Check out this Pepper Talk video to watch Keaton try an insanely hot Apocalypse Scorpion pepper! About the Apocalypse Scorpion...
Keaton Eats an Apocalypse Scorpion Pepper (1,40...
When Keaton is in the Greenhouse, you know some HOT peppers will be eaten! Check out this Pepper Talk video to watch Keaton try an insanely hot Apocalypse Scorpion pepper! About the Apocalypse Scorpion...

Quinton Eats the RED SAVINA HABANERO (500,000+ ...
Check out our latest episode of Pepper Talk where Quinton takes a bite out of the former "hottest pepper in the world," the Red Savina Habanero.
Quinton Eats the RED SAVINA HABANERO (500,000+ ...
Check out our latest episode of Pepper Talk where Quinton takes a bite out of the former "hottest pepper in the world," the Red Savina Habanero.

Mike Eats a Datil Pepper (100,000-300,000 SHUs)!
Mike is BACK in the greenhouse for this week's Pepper Talk episode where he takes a bite out of the sweet-tasting, throat-croaking Datil pepper (100,000-300,000 SHUs).
Mike Eats a Datil Pepper (100,000-300,000 SHUs)!
Mike is BACK in the greenhouse for this week's Pepper Talk episode where he takes a bite out of the sweet-tasting, throat-croaking Datil pepper (100,000-300,000 SHUs).

Mike Eats a Fish Pepper (5,000-30,000 SHUs)!
Mike swings by the greenhouse to take a bite out of the Fish pepper, one of the most rare and exotic peppers around, on this week's episode of Pepper Talk!
Mike Eats a Fish Pepper (5,000-30,000 SHUs)!
Mike swings by the greenhouse to take a bite out of the Fish pepper, one of the most rare and exotic peppers around, on this week's episode of Pepper Talk!

Colton Eats a DRAGON'S BREATH PEPPER (2,000,000...
On this week's pep-isode, our growing expert Colton takes a stab at the Dragon's Breath chili pepper, known to be one of the hottest peppers in the world!
Colton Eats a DRAGON'S BREATH PEPPER (2,000,000...
On this week's pep-isode, our growing expert Colton takes a stab at the Dragon's Breath chili pepper, known to be one of the hottest peppers in the world!

Keaton Eats a Purple UFO (30,000-45,000 SHUs) F...
Keaton takes a bite out of the alien-looking Purple UFO pepper on this episode of Pepper Talk. Is this pepper out of this world? 🛸🌎
Keaton Eats a Purple UFO (30,000-45,000 SHUs) F...
Keaton takes a bite out of the alien-looking Purple UFO pepper on this episode of Pepper Talk. Is this pepper out of this world? 🛸🌎